Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Strong Women, Love at War, Pirate Woman

Recently, a colleague of mine quit teaching in thew middle of the school year to live in an isolated area with an abusive man. She would rather live in physical danger and constant harassment than work at a modest job. This woman has such low-self-esteem that she would give up her life in order to live with a man who drinks and who has used her as a punching bag. She doesn't want to be alone, and she is so desperate not to be alone that she would rather live in terror. I've worked with battered women, and I understand that many of them are trapped in terrible situations. However, their dependency shows a lack of self-respect that I personally abhor.

In my writing, I've concentrated on strong women. Nuala, my protagonist in LOVE AT WAR (www.redrosepublishing.com), is an innocent, pure girl when the novel begins. However, she soon emerges as a powerful woman who braves the perils of dangerous undercover assignments. After joining the military and then the OSS, Nuala parachutes into occupied France, disguising herself as a farm woman and spying on the often stupidly arrogant enemy. Chameleon-like, she then changes into a vixen who seduces a dangerous Nazi. Nuala evolves from an innocent schoolgirl into a daring covert operative, willing to sacrifice herself for her country and for the man she loves. Nuala is so strong that she rises above others' expectations to become the woman who rescues others. No one--not Nuala's overly protective parents or her dominating sister--would have credited her with so much courage.

My latest manuscript, signed by Red Rose Publishing, also tells the story of a powerful woman. Grace O'Malley was the daughter of a powerful Irish chieftain in Mayo. Legend has it that when her parents said she couldn't go to sea with her father's sailors, she cut her hair and sneaked aboard the ship anyway. At eleven-years-old, Grace proved herself to be an able sailor. Throughout her two marriages, Grace also proved that she was a leader within her own family. Often she saved her family from ruin when the men in her sphere behaved rashly or stupidly. Donal O'Flaherty, her first husband, was a brave warrior who acted before he thought. Richard Bourke, her second husband, was more prudent and wily than her first and had the sense to listen to his astute wife. I admire strong women who defy others' expectations.

LOVE AT WAR has now been released over six months, and I'm celebrating. Go to my website at www.violarussell.com. Check out the pics, interviews, and the covers. Go to the "Questions" section of the site and post a comment. Be sure you leave a name and e-mail. The first three (3) people to respond will receive a free PDF copy of LOVE AT WAR.

1 comment:

  1. Viola, as you like strong independent women, I can suggest a peek at my book 'Pat Canella (the dockland murders) on Bookrix.com
    Patti (Pat) is not afraid to take the men in their world and on their tetms
